Technology assessment for a clinical research company

Technologies can create competing advantages for organizations. However, this process can be one of the most challenging decisions businesses face. Technology assessment done prior to the technology adoption reduces the risk of ineffective investment decisions.

About the client

Our client, Elligo Health Research, is a leading provider of clinical research infrastructure services and technologies. Elligo unites clinical experts with the research infrastructure – creating a clinical trial execution solution for enhanced patient access and engagement. Also, our client provides a service of aligning patients with their trusted community-based physicians and clinical research opportunities.

Value delivered

The report VITech created based on the gathered data helped the client understand product risks and allowed mitigating them at the early stage. Our tech experts provided the client with seven recommendations on product improvement, all of which have been implemented or are currently being adopted.

Technologies used:

React JS

Project overview


The client needed to integrate two major product components, but the vendor responsible for the integration proceeded too slowly and the quality of the implementation left much to be desired. Additionally, the vendor doubted the architectures of the components and didn’t quite understand the product’s business domain and the client’s business needs.


To solve the issues, VITech offered to review and assess the software architecture of both product components. The goal of the assessment was to:

  • Gather the information that would help understand the product.
  • Assess the existing project practices, processes and workflows to define the strengths and weaknesses of the product.
  • Offer improvement recommendations based on the gathered information.


The report VITech created based on the gathered data helped the client understand product risks and allowed mitigating them at the early stage. Our tech experts provided the client with seven recommendations on product improvement, all of which have been implemented or are currently being adopted. The VITech team showed that they understand the business needs of the client on top of having a solid tech background. The success of our cooperation helped the client see that VITech is a technical partner they can trust.

Our client's success stories
Data engineering for patient analytics platform
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Data-driven solutions enable the ongoing large-scale transformation of software-intensive industries. Our research and innovation expertise helps businesses take advantage of those technologies, applications, and processes to benefit from data.
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Mobile and web development for Immediate
Software, programs, and apps developed for various user necessities have become a part of our everyday life for a long time ago. VITech is an expert of skillful engineering and creates custom-developed software with a high emphasis on security and operational coherence. Beginning from early steps, the discovery phase, requirements defining, and then through the development, quality assurance, and other parts of execution, to the post-developing support.
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Discovery phase and development of a web-based application for Spectrum
Data is the new petrol, but more than just working with data is needed. You need AI algorithms to help you analyze the data to be more effective. Over 70% of IT vendors require a Discovery Phase to find the proper software before starting development.
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Population health management custom software development
VITech is developing a customized solution that can access and explore enriched data and user-friendly analytics to drive success in value-based care managed services. Legal information, pharmacy data, most complete, and up-to-date data assets based on normalized clinical EHR, and social determinants of health – all this and much more builds a solid foundation for sustainable financial success in value-based care managed services.
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