Mobile and web development for Immediate

Software, programs, and apps developed for various user necessities have become a part of our everyday life for a long time ago. VITech is an expert of skillful engineering and creates custom-developed software with a high emphasis on security and operational coherence. Beginning from early steps, the discovery phase, requirements defining, and then through the development, quality assurance, and other parts of execution, to the post-developing support.

About the client

Immediate is a product of Immediate Solutions, a financial health platform delivering early access to earned but not yet paid wages.

Value delivered

VITech has built a mobile client for Android and iOS as well as the backend platform. They also architected the platform based on the client’s design requirements and provided their own ideas on ways to improve as well. VITech continues to add new integrations, features, and web-based applications to the app and provides QA and some dev-ops support.

Technologies used:


Project overview


Our client’s request was to create a financial app that allows employees early access to earned but not yet paid wages. The most difficult part was to develop a flexible solution capable of processing quickly while maintaining the accuracy of calculations. Immediate had to receive real-time updates of hours worked and wages earned and display the information within the app. Users then select how much of their earnings they would like to receive and transfer on account of their choice. The application had to be integrated with a number of payout, payroll, and time tracking services.


To solve the issues, VITech developed an iOS and Android application and coded the backend platform. These working products can scale with the client’s needs over time. The goal of the app was to:

  • Collect the information helpful for the understanding of the client’s needs.
  • Select the platform appropriated to build the solution for Android and iOS.
  • Implement the integration with other financial services.

Today an app is making earnings available for transfer on-demand, before payday. Clients can easily transfer up to 50% of their earnings via a preferred account: bank account or loadable debit card. All transactions are secure.


Immediate is an on-demand pay service with an ever-growing number of clients and end-users. Approximately 50% – 70% of new clients join the platform every month. Overall turnover has recently been increased up to $1 million Immediate offers his clients a product that provides financial wellness combined with flexibility and easy use. The benefits of this service have been noted by Forbes magazine.

Different from many other start-ups Immediate passed quickly all early stages from an initial idea, the development of MVP, till the solution working on a production with real clients. The client was able to launch a business and gain first customers in under 6 months. VITech has built a mobile client for Android and iOS as well as the backend platform. They also architected the platform based on the client’s design requirements and provided their own ideas on ways to improve as well. VITech continues to add new integrations, features, and web-based applications to the app and provides QA and some dev-ops support. The client is highly satisfied with the code quality and cooperative work style of VITech.

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